As the Nergi kiwi berry makes its market debut, Jean-Pierre Caruel, Sofruileg's licensing manager, provides an update on the start of the campaign. "We began the sales season at the end of August and we are now getting the product on the shelves. Promotional campaigns will start at the end of the week in most countries, with events and other social networking campaigns running jointly with several retailers."
The growth of the Nergi kiwi berry "has yet to be confirmed on the French and Italian markets, where consumers are still discovering the product." However, the Nergi is making clear progress in the UK and is already well established in Scandinavian countries and in Germany. "These are key markets for us. The efforts we have made over the last ten years are now paying off. The Nergi is eagerly awaited by German and Northern European retailers, where it has clearly established itself on the shelves."
Nergi tray destined for the UK
Nergi can therefore be found in the small fruit section from now until the beginning of November, with a stronger presence in terms of promotional actions from the beginning of September until mid-October. Like red fruit and other berries, the Nergi is packaged in 125g trays.
Sofruileg relies on three commercial operators: Primland in France, Ortofruit in Italy and Portprimland in Portugal. In terms of production, "the range is expanding in all three production areas although, like other crops, the Nergi is highly dependent on the weather. But this year is a normal production year."
For more information:
Jean Pierre Caruel