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European potato market anticipates reduced output due to weather challenges

The European potato sector is poised for a downturn in production for 2024, with forecasts indicating a harvest of 20.7 million tonnes, a reduction of 8.8% from the 2023 yield. This projection is rooted in early hectarage data from the North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) and August yield statistics from the EU Commission.

Unfavorable weather affects potato yields in Europe
Harry Campbell, a market analyst at Expana, points to the detrimental weather conditions in the NEPG area, stating, "unfavourable wet weather conditions and increased disease prevalence have adversely affected potato crop growth and yields." Although there is an anticipated 4-6% increase in potato hectarage for 2024, the impact of the weather has been profound.

The EU Commission's yield forecast for the 2024 harvest remains at 35.1 tonnes per hectare, 4.6% less than the 2023 yield of 36.8 tonnes per hectare and 1% below the five-year average. The most significant yield declines are observed in Belgium and the Netherlands, with 11% and 6% decreases respectively, while France and Germany are also expecting lower yields, by 4% and 2% respectively.

Conversely, Spain and Portugal's potato crops have fared better, largely due to irrigation practices amidst high temperatures. Campbell emphasizes, "irrigation has played a crucial role in maintaining crop health in these regions, helping to mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions."

Optimism in the industry
Despite the diminished production outlook, optimism remains for potato availability in the 2024/25 market year. "Market players report that they expect better potato availability throughout the market year. The generally dry harvest conditions have resulted in potatoes that are in good condition and will be storable throughout the year, unlike the potatoes harvested under wet conditions in 2023," Campbell concludes.

The European potato market is thus navigating through the challenges posed by fluctuating weather patterns, with insights from experts like Campbell shedding light on the resultant production and market shifts.

Source: Potato News Today

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