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Apple varieties imported by rail will continue to be available in the market

Which apples will disappear from stores in Kazakhstan after the import ban?

Kazakhstan's Minister of Trade and Integration, Arman Shakkaliev, explained which types of apples will disappear from the country's market due to a newly introduced ban on their importation. Speaking to the Senate, the minister clarified that the ban only applies to apples transported by road.

"A significant portion of our apple imports come from Poland, and they are primarily transported by rail. Why did we ban road transport? Because the declared country of origin often doesn't match the actual origin of the imported apples. This is one of the reasons for the ban. For example, Turkmen tomatoes, cucumbers, and apples were brought into the country under the guise of Uzbek products," Shakkaliev said.

He also noted that Kazakhstan is expecting a good apple harvest this year, with around 300,000 tons of 12 different varieties.

"Therefore, nothing will disappear from store shelves. Everything that is imported by rail, in bulk, openly, honestly, and with good quality, will continue to be imported. All 'grey' and counterfeit products will no longer be available in the market," the minister added.


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