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Peru's agro-expert sector on the rise despite challenges

Peru has been establishing itself as a key global supplier in the agro-export sector, with its agricultural exports hitting US$10.545 billion by the end of 2023. This figure is anticipated to rise beyond US$11.500 billion by the close of 2024, as reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri). Despite challenges, the collaboration between agricultural producers, exporters, and the Peruvian state has facilitated a 2.9% increase in agricultural shipments in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to Cesar Romero, Midagri's Agricultural Foreign Trade Specialist.

Peru's agro-export success is underpinned by 20 primary products, which make up 74.6% of its total agricultural exports. Notably, grapes, blueberries, and avocados have emerged as leading exports, each nearing or surpassing US$1 billion in annual performance. Grapes, in particular, have seen a remarkable 28% increase in value compared to 2022, with 649,000 tons exported in 2023. The United States, the European Union, and Asian markets, especially Hong Kong and China, are the main destinations for these exports.

Blueberries follow closely, with exports worth US$1.676 billion in 2023, despite a 24.2% decrease in volume from the previous year. This reduction in supply, however, led to heightened international market prices. Innovations in plant genetics have allowed Peru to extend its blueberry export season and meet high international standards for fruit quality. The United States and the European Union are the largest consumers of Peruvian blueberries.

Avocados also show strong performance, with a 7.6% increase in exports, totaling US$963 million in 2023. The European Union is the largest market for Peruvian avocados, followed by the United States. Peru's diverse climates and ecosystems facilitate year-round production and geographic flexibility, enabling it to overcome climatic challenges.

Additionally, products like coffee, cacao, mangoes, and asparagus continue to demand attention in international markets. Peru's agricultural sector's resilience in 2023 is attributed to its ability to leverage its natural advantages and diverse climates, ensuring steady production and export growth.

Source: Andina

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