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ODG Fruiventoux

Grapes: Is the decline in sales linked to the new cardboard trays?

The Muscat du Ventoux management and defence body held a press conference in Mazan on 10 September, providing an opportunity to unveil the new Muscat du Ventoux PDO trays and discuss the ongoing campaign.

The press conference was attended by René Reynard, President of the ODG, Louis Bonnet, Mayor of Mazan, Alexandra Lacoste, Director of the National Grape PDO, Mr. Roman, representing Crédit Agricole and President of the local branch, and Guillaume Greter, a producer of Muscat du Ventoux PDO.

Decline in Consumption Linked to New Cardboard Trays?
The industry's prevailing theory points to the new packaging as a cause. Based on insights gathered by the national table grape PDO from marketers and distributors, consumption of table grapes in punnets has been declining since the 2024 campaign. Previously, table grapes had a derogation under the AGEC law, allowing them to be sold in plastic containers, but this exemption ended in June. "The introduction of the new punnets has been challenging, and we've noticed a drop in sales," noted Alexandra Lacoste, Director of the AOP Raisin de table. This decline amounts to approximately 40% fewer trays for the early varieties and the first shipments of PDO trays, despite stable or even lower prices than last year, added René Reynard, President of the ODG FruiVentoux. By 2023, punnets accounted for around 50% of Muscat du Ventoux PDO sales.

Additionally, "cardboard punnets cost twice as much as RPET trays, and since the price of grapes hasn't increased, producers are absorbing this cost difference," explained the ODG President.

The new Muscat du Ventoux trays are made of cardboard with starch windows, available in three sizes: two 750g options and one 500g.

Bulk Sales Fail to Compensate for Lost Punnet Sales
While the new trays were designed to maximize product visibility, they still provide less transparency than their RPET counterparts, which presents a "real issue, especially since consumers make decisions with their eyes," said René Reynard. This concern has been echoed by several sector operators. Unfortunately, bulk sales have not compensated for the drop in packaged sales. "Consumers accustomed to buying grapes in punnets aren't switching to bulk; instead, they're opting for other products, negatively impacting table grape sales overall," noted the ODG. In the early 2000s, the distribution sector insisted on packaging grapes in punnets to reduce shelf waste, estimated at 20%. Grapes, being fragile, don't fare well loose on shelves. Packaging in trays reduces handling, extends shelf life, and maintains appeal. During the health crisis, demand for trays surged due to their practicality and food safety assurances. However, René Reynard expressed concern that the sales trends seen early in the season could persist.

Muscat du Ventoux received its AOC (Appellation d'origine contrôlée) in 1997, followed by PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status from the European Commission in 1999.

Cancellation of the Muscat du Ventoux Festival
The President of the ODG also announced the cancellation of the Fête de l'AOP Muscat du Ventoux 2024, originally scheduled for 8 September, due to severe storm warnings. The 25th anniversary of the PDO will instead be celebrated on 6 February 2025, with a dinner and show format. Details will be announced early next year, with reservations available through ODG FruiVentoux.

Technical Trip to Italy
In its ongoing efforts to maintain high standards in local table grape production, the ODG Fruiventoux is organizing a technical trip to Italy's Po Plain on 13, 14, and 15 November. The purpose of the trip is to explore and compare grape cultivation techniques. Interested producers and technicians are encouraged to contact the ODG for more information.

For more information:
8 route de Blauvac
84380 MAZAN
Tel: 04 90 69 77 41
[email protected]