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National potato day: A call to support Irish potato growers amid challenges

IFA National Potato Chair Sean Ryan is calling on all actors in the food chain – consumers, packers, and retailers – to support local growers on this National Potato Day.

The Irish potato industry is worth over €105m at the farmgate, with over 8,000 hectares planted annually. The potato is ingrained in Irish culture and growers provide consumers with quality, nutritious potatoes for 12 months of the year.

The sector continues to face several challenges, including the availability of seed, higher input costs, and land availability. Plantings were extremely late this year, coming out of 2023, which was one of the most difficult harvests in recent memory.

"Many growers are reporting that yields will be significantly reduced this year, especially on late planted crops. A reduction of 25% is reported by some growers. Several factors are at play including issues with seed potato and of course the extremely late planting year," he said.

"It will be another few weeks before we see the full picture, but numbers are definitely back on later planted crops," he said.

"The planted acreage is slightly up this year so supply and demand should balance out. A continued sustainable price for potatoes will be required so growers can guarantee a year-round supply of quality produce."

Despite the challenges, growers continue to put quality nutritious produce on consumers' plates all over the country. Home consumption and retail sales are buoyant this season as consumer realize potatoes are excellent value for money.

"This year's National Potato Day encourages people to revisit traditional Irish potato recipes using an air fryer. On National Potato Day this year we need to promote the potato and be proud of the excellent produce we grow," he concluded.

For more information:
Irish Farmers' Association
Tel: +353 (1) 4500266

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