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Miguel Barber, from Pomelos MBC:

"I can't remember a start to the Spanish grapefruit season as good as this one"

The Spanish grapefruit season is already underway. It has started almost two weeks earlier than usual and with the prospect of an increase in the production. Due to the limited supply from South Africa at this time of the year, the demand has been high from the get-go and sales are off to a good start.

"We started selling the first domestically grown grapefruit on October 7, between one and two weeks earlier than usual, and with very good organoleptic properties, such as you'd expect to see on the third week of harvesting, when the fruit is usually riper," says Miguel Barber, from Pomelos MBC.

According to estimates from Ailimpo, the Interprofessional Association for Lemon and Grapefruit, the grapefruit production is expected to increase by around 15% in the 2024/2025 campaign.

"The production is recovering in Andalusia, especially in Seville and Cordoba, which recorded drops last year due to the drought. The spring rains have led to an increase in the production and, since there are more pieces per tree, sizes are generally smaller," says Miguel Barber.

"In the Valencian Community, the production has remained stable, while in Murcia, despite yields being 20% lower, it seems that the volume will increase thanks to new plantations becoming productive," says Barber. "In Murcia, grapefruit sizes will generally be large, as the amount of fruits per tree has fallen after a very productive campaign last year."

The season has started well on a commercial level, with good demand, since there is hardly any supply from overseas. "There are still some batches of grapefruit from South Africa, but very small ones, as the majority of large European retail chains are already making the switch to the Spanish production. We usually overlap with the end of the South African season, but this year the market is emptier and that's beneficial for us. I don't remember a start to the Spanish grapefruit season as good as this one," says Miguel Barber.

Due to the war in the Middle East, in which Israel is involved, grapefruit sales are down in France, where there's a high presence of Arab buyers in wholesale markets. "This has led to an increase in the demand for Spanish grapefruit from France, where we have been gaining market share since last year," says Miguel Barber. "There has also been a more limited supply of Turkish grapefruit in Germany, which allowed our sales to grow last season."

Pomelos MBC is, therefore, already selling both red Rubi Star grapefruit and the green and sweet Sweetie grapefruit, as well as Chinese grapefruit, which has been added to its product range, in which grapefruit has a prominent position.

For more information:
Miguel Barber
Pomelos MBC
Avinguda de l'Estatut, 5 . P. I. Les Vinyes
46711 Miramar, Valencia. Spain
Tel.: +34 962 81 91 08
[email protected]

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