Unbeleafable, a salad range from UK's vertical farm GrowUp, has launched in Sainsbury's stores across the UK. Sainsbury's will stock two of the ready-to-eat, UK-grown bagged salads from the Unbeleafable range: the Mild Mixed Baby Leaves and Rocket and Baby Leaves.
Will Howard, UK MD and chief commercial officer at GrowUp said: "We are thrilled to secure a listing for our award-winning Unbeleafable salad range in selected Sainsbury's stores across the country. Growing food that reduces the environmental impact of getting healthy food out to consumers is what we are all about at GrowUp."
The farm is currently expanding and when it reaches its full potential, it aims to grow everything using 94% less water than conventionally produced bagged salads. Unbeleafable leaves are grown, and packed, in a controlled environment at GrowUp's vertical farm in Kent, powered by 100% renewable energy using electricity from the bioenergy plant next door.
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