It appears to be a positive season for the Turkish pear season, says Murat Koygun, founder and CEO of Turkish fresh produce exporter Kayra Tarımsal Ltd.: "The Turkish Santa Maria pear season is off to a good start. Although there was less demand for our pears in terms of exports in the beginning of the season, the shortfall was made up by domestic demand. Our production volumes for Santa Maria pears are higher than they were the previous year. It should be noted, though, that last year's extremely low yield is what caused this increase, rather than a surprisingly high yield this year."
As time goes on, demand for Santa Maria pears is increasing, Koygun explains. "As the winter season approaches, demand is picking up steam. Russia and Europe are our two main markets. As usual, prices begin low in the harvest because of an abundance of availability of the pears. However as demand grows as the winter approaches, so do the prices. That being said, we haven't noticed any significant seasonal price differences thus far."
According to Koygun, the Turkish inflation has had a significant impact on their operations, as costs are eating parts of the profits: "Naturally, the Turkish inflation impacts our strategy, as it is driving up labor and product costs. As a result, we have to give up some of our profit margins. If it weren't taken under control, we would eventually lose our ability to compete completely."
Keeping the pears in cold stores allows Kayra Tarim to supply the Santa Maria pears right up until the new season, Koygan states. "We keep our products fresh until the end of April, since we have extensive experience in the fruit industry. This implies that we can continue to provide our clients till the beginning of the following season. We expect business as usual. There is a fair amount of demand from foreign markets, and the domestic market is looking optimistic as well. Given that the economies with whom we do business do not expect reductions, we would have a successful season ahead of us."
For more information:
Murat Koygun
Kayra Tarim
Tel:+90 555 506 74 02