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Bram Wagenaar, G. Kramer & Zonen:

"In addition to supplying sauerkraut in buckets, we now also offer it in 50-gram cups"

The temperature has dropped below freezing in many parts of the Netherlands, but at G. Kramer in Zuid-Scharwoude, that's welcome news. Colder weather drives up the demand for sauerkraut and related products. Ten years ago, the sauerkraut factory primarily supplied fresh sauerkraut in kegs, but starting this year, it's also available in 50-gram cups as part of meal box batches.

However, this year has brought significant challenges in availability, according to Head of Sales Bram Wagenaar. "Fourteen out of our 16 contract cabbage growers failed to meet their contracted volumes due to the wet spring. Although the same amount of cabbage was planted, the yield was lower. This issue isn't limited to us—it's affecting all of Europe. We're receiving inquiries from Germany, France, and Italy, all facing the same shortage. Everyone is scrambling to secure enough supply."

At G. Kramer en Zonen, they typically process an average of 200,000 kilos of cabbage daily from early August until just before Christmas. The Netherlands remains the company's largest market. "We often step in when there are shortages of other outdoor vegetables, like cauliflower, but so far, that hasn't been too significant," Bram explains. "We're also seeing growing demand for sauerkraut in the UK, where it's not eaten as a stew but as a side dish with salads."

In addition to sauerkraut, products like fresh kimchi and atjar are becoming increasingly popular with Western European consumers. "These are great for people who enjoy traditional Dutch meals or want to add an Asian twist to their table. Soon, we'll be introducing a second, milder variety of kimchi," says Bram. "In the Netherlands, fresh kimchi is rapidly gaining popularity, and there's also high demand in organic stores in countries like Spain, where consumers are highly aware of the health benefits of fermented foods. Our sauerkraut offers the same health benefits as our kimchi! German sauerkraut, on the other hand, is often pasteurized, which eliminates these benefits."

For more information:
G. Kramer & Zonen
Voorburggracht 141
1722 GC Zuid-Scharwoude
Tel: +31 (0)226 31 24 26