This week, the Ukrainian market has experienced a rise in white cabbage prices, as detailed by EastFruit project analysts. This increase is attributed to heightened demand, particularly for high-quality cabbage, enabling sellers to adjust their prices upwards. Presently, high-quality white cabbage is being sold for 20-27 UAH/kg ($0.48-0.65/kg), marking an average increase of 11% from the previous week.
Moreover, the supply of white cabbage on the market is somewhat constrained, with many producers opting to delay sales in anticipation of potential future price gains. The current price of white cabbage in Ukraine is significantly elevated, being 2.7 times higher than it was at the same time last year. Market participants are forecasting continued price rises, citing a decline in production and a reduced proportion of cabbage suitable for prolonged storage as key factors.
Source: East Fruit