Orange supplies are peaking out of California, a state where they are close to year-round supply. "We are into the peak harvest of Navel oranges now in California," says Jesse Silva of Kings River Packing, a family-owned and operated eight-generation grower-packer-shipper, who adds that Navels will continue to harvest into early July. In April, California will start Valencia juice oranges which will be harvested into late September-early October.
This season, the supply is greater than last year's crop as sets are much higher per tree. "The challenge is sizing. The size of the oranges has been exceptionally small, though we will see this change as the season transitions to late-season fruit," says Silva. "We also continue to develop outlets and new relationships as we grow as a company. We have been very successful in meeting the needs of our customers and want to be intentional to continue this and evolve as those needs change."
Orange production in California for the grower-shipper largely takes place in the D1 region which is the Central Valley. However, it does grow some late-season fruit near the coast or D2 region, where other citrus varieties grow as well. "It was an earlier start this year," says Silva. "This was most likely due to unseasonably high summer temperatures and also limited rainfall that created more stress on the trees."
Other specialty citrus varieties
Along with Navels and Valencias, throughout the season Kings River Packing also grows Heirloom Navel oranges (it has its brand of Old-Line Washington Navels); Cara Cara Navel oranges which are the pink flesh navels; Raspberry Oranges (it's exclusive brand of Blood Oranges – Maroon red flesh); and organic Navel oranges.
As for demand, it's been consistent and steady with plenty of promotions being set in advance for the season. "I foresee it continuing to stay steady and be motivated by promotions. When fruit eats well, we see growing demand as long as prices don't get too elevated," says Silva.
All of this means pricing has been good on oranges. "This season there is an elevated juice floor because there is a worldwide juice shortage creating a floor to pack oranges," says Silva. "Last year the crop quality was poor due to pest pressure industry-wide from the wet weather during the growing season. However, this year the fruit is very high quality, and exceptionally clean. This has created good, steady demand from retail and consumers are responding because the fruit eats exceptionally well."
Looking ahead, the company also just began with Minneola Tangelos, and Gold Nugget Mandarins will also start soon. "Our season will bridge smoothly into our summer import crops so we will have no gaps in citrus supplies," says Silva, adding that it also packs lemons, mandarins, grapefruit, and other specialty citrus.
For more information:
Jesse Silva
Kings River Packing
Tel: +1 (559) 574-1285