Eurofresh in Venlo has begun importing the first new 'spring crop' potatoes of the season from Cyprus. "The demand for imported potatoes is growing, but the market remains quiet," says Ad Pollux. This year, the first new imported potatoes, including the Annabel variety from Cyprus, have arrived on the market a few weeks earlier than usual. "The import season for potatoes is starting about two weeks earlier than in previous years," he explains.
"Demand for new potatoes seems to be increasing, with German customers particularly enthusiastic. Around 75% of Eurofresh's customers are from Germany, where the popular Annabel variety is well received. Its flavor and cooking properties make these potatoes a good fit for the German market. In the Netherlands, demand is somewhat lower but tends to pick up once the first asparagus hits the market, between March and June. While the demand for imported potatoes is growing, it remains a slow process," says Ad.
The season for Cypriot potatoes runs until July, after which imports shift to Dutch potatoes. Ad exclusively imports potatoes from Cyprus, which is a Eurofresh specialty. "The red soil in which the potatoes are grown enhances their flavor, making them popular with customers. Market conditions are calm, but Ad is optimistic about increasing demand. "Now that the sun is beginning to shine, we're gradually seeing the first customers coming in. Patience is needed to grow demand further, but the sales peak is approaching."
Eurofresh has weekly arrivals until the end of the season.
For more information:
Ad Pollux
Mob: +31 (0)6 11180209