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Mexican broccoli pricing could strengthen next month

The supply of broccoli from central Mexico is stable. "There is enough supply because the growing conditions have mostly been good," says Michel Veyan Reed of Babia Produce, adding that this season has not seen some of the extreme weather conditions the region had experienced in previous years. "It's been colder but it's the perfect condition for broccoli."

Those conditions have also helped produce good-quality broccoli. That said, there is less supply than in previous years largely due to growers not planting as much broccoli for the open market as they have in the past. "It is year-round here but it's less and less every year through the summer. The summer conditions are not optimal for growing and the quality isn't as great so it's risky for the grower," says Veyan Reed.

Recent changes in demand
Demand is consistently good throughout the year for broccoli. "It's a nice commodity that's easy to move. Though right now, demand often weakens after the holidays–many commodities see demand weaken," he says, adding that the recent cold temperatures across the country have also contributed to that slower demand.

As for pricing, 2024 was a year that saw stronger pricing on broccoli, though the recent weaker demand has subsequently weakened pricing. "I think pricing will strengthen in February though I don't think it will be as good as it was last year," says Veyan Reed.

For more information:
Michel Veyan Reed
Tel: +1 (210) 630 7532