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Fuerte and Pinkerton avocado shipments to resume on February 14, 2025, pending inspection

The Agriculture and Food Authority in Kenya enforces the Crops (Horticulture Crops) Regulations, 2020, to ensure only mature avocados are harvested and exported. This aims to sustain international markets and minimize disruptions in the crop cycle caused by immature fruit harvesting, which can reduce future harvest volumes.

The suspension of avocado harvest and export by sea took effect on 25th October 2024. Monitoring of avocado maturity trends continued, and a survey in late November 2024 found insufficient production volumes to lift the suspension. A subsequent survey from 20th to 23rd January 2025 indicated that the Fuerte and Pinkerton varieties had sufficient volumes in some regions. However, the Hass variety was not ready for harvest in major production areas.

The Fuerte and Pinkerton harvesting season for sea shipment will begin on Friday, 14th February 2025, with export clearance subject to packhouse inspection. Hass exports will continue by air shipment, except for large farms with sufficient mature off-season crops, subject to packhouse inspection. Sea shipment clearance for Hass off-season crops from large farms requires both farm and packhouse inspections.

Exporters attempting to export the Hass variety by sea, falsely labeled as Fuerte, will face suspension of their Export Licences for the 2025 season. This regulation applies to all avocado exporters, importers, and processors.

The Authority will keep monitoring Hass avocado maturity and will schedule a stakeholders' consultative meeting to review the closure notice. The previously scheduled meeting for 27th January 2025 is postponed to a later date.

Source: AFA

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