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Tango, the seedless organic tangerine, available until april

In Italy, the annual production of tangerines and clementines typically ranges between 600,000 and 700,000 tons, depending on climatic conditions and yearly trends.

Clementines and mandarins represent a significant portion of European citrus production, which in Italy exceeds 3 million tons of citrus fruits annually, including oranges, lemons, mandarins, and other citrus varieties. Sicily accounts for about 65% of the national clementine production, thanks to fertile lands and an ideal climate. Calabria contributes around 25%, making it the second most important region, while Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, and Sardinia also play a significant role, making up the remaining 10%.

Thanks to the Tango tangerine, whose season extends until February-April, this late cultivar, also known as Tang Gold, represents a revolution in citrus farming, including organic production, combining quality, sustainability, and innovation.

Consumers in the target countries of the It's Bio project (Italy, Belgium, and Greece) are particularly focused on varietal innovation in the organic market. In summary, while Italy has a long tradition of consuming mandarins and clementines, in Belgium and Greece, consumption is strongly linked to the pursuit of quality, health, and sustainability. Innovative products like the organic Tango mandarin perfectly meet these needs, combining taste, convenience, and respect for the environment.

The Tango is a seedless tangerine, appreciated for its sweetness and juiciness. It features a production cycle that allows for a harmonious coexistence with bees and the elimination of chemical interventions or protective nets. Certified organic, it guarantees production without the use of synthetic chemicals.

From a sensory perspective, Tango stands out with a sugar content between 13% and 15% (Brix), a thin skin that is easy to peel, and the absence of seeds, making it an ideal healthy and convenient snack. Since 2018, the Tango tangerine has been adopted by producer members of the AOP Vi.Va. Group, with excellent yields.

For more information:
It's Bio

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