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Saxony-Anhalt, Germany:

"Contrary to the nationwide trend, our region saw quite reasonable potato yields"

In the table potato sector, the 2025 marketing year has started quite well. "The usual dip in demand after the Christmas holidays was not felt at all this year. Demand was consistently high across the range for all cooking types, whereas in other years January can always be described as a slow period," says Dr. Almuth von Bodenhausen, managing director of Kartoffelaufbereitungs- und Handels GbR, based in Hohe Börde OT Brumby (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).

The company, which is based in the heart of the Magdeburg Börde, is primarily involved in the procurement, processing, and marketing of regionally produced table potatoes. Von Bodenhausen: "Contrary to the nationwide trend, our region had quite reasonable yields. Although our growers were also affected by heavy rain and hail in some places, we were spared serious yield losses and significant problems caused by wireworm infestation. In this respect, we have come through relatively unscathed."

The origins of KAH GbR. go back to 1996. Thanks to modern storage capacities, it is usually possible to offer qualitatively reliable table potatoes until May of the following year.

Another storage surcharge desired
Prices for regional potatoes have been stable for weeks, the potato merchant continues. Since the beginning of the main harvest, there has been a surcharge of 5 EUR/100 kg in total, which is actually too little in relation to the storage costs. "We are now waiting for another storage surcharge in the coming weeks, which has already been implemented in the Rhineland. Currently, there is little willingness to sell at the producer level, with many goods being held back. Nevertheless, we have had enough goods available to us so far to adequately serve the markets."

The Kartoffelaufbereitungs- und Handels GbR, founded in 1996, is one of the few service and trading companies in the Magdeburger Börde and is primarily dedicated to the distribution of regionally produced table potatoes. "Although the national yield is currently estimated to be lower than initially thought, we expect to be able to offer produce from the Börde region until mid-May, similar to other years. After the end of the domestic season, we will take a summer break until the new harvest starts in September."

Right: The promising varieties in the Börde region include, among others, Merle and Jule from Solana. Belana, which is already established, had rather lower yields last year.

Downward trend characterizes regional table potato cultivation
Similar to many other growing areas, the future prospects for potato cultivation in Saxony-Anhalt are not particularly rosy. "I wouldn't categorically rule out the possibility that some producers will give up growing table potatoes, which require a great deal of care, in the coming years, but may be interested in growing processing potatoes. Similarly, many farms do not yet have a successor, which could eventually have an impact on the markets," warns Von Bodenhausen in conclusion.

Photo credit: Kartoffelaufbereitungs- und Handels GbR

For more information:
Dr. Almuth von Bodenhausen
Kartoffelaufbereitungs- und Handels GbR
Brumbyer Str. 10
39343 Hohe Börde OT Brumby
Tel: +49 (0)3 90 62 3 63
Fax: +49 (0)3 90 62 99 15