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Potato brand launches first on-pack promotion tied to Minecraft movie release

Albert Bartlett, based in Airdrie, collaborates with Warner Bros for an on-pack promotion linked to 'A Minecraft Movie', released on 4 April. This marks the brand's inaugural on-pack promotion spanning fresh and chilled potato ranges. Albert Bartlett Original Rooster and Butter Gold in fresh, along with Parmentier Potatoes in chilled, feature movie imagery.

Consumers can engage by scanning an on-pack QR code and entering a weekly and grand prize draw concluding on 6 April. Prizes include movie merchandise such as Minecraft plushies and caps, Xbox consoles, and a UK adventure holiday for four. The promotion is supported by out-of-home, social, digital, in-store, and PR initiatives. This venture marks the brand's first chilled product promotion, aiming to draw new consumers to the chilled category.

Source: SLR

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