The carrot harvest has started in Seville with strong demand, says Miguel Ángel Castillo, Manager of Nevado e Hijos. "Following the heavy rains of the last few weeks, we have started the carrot harvest in our plots in Villamanrique de la Condesa. We are getting good results. The quality of the production is excellent, we are managing to meet the demand and prices are also good."
Currently, harvesting machines can only be used on the sandiest plots. For the rest, it will be necessary for the weather to improve and conditions to become more favorable.
"This is the second year in which we are growing carrots. More has been sown this year, as growers have decided to invest in the product, motivated by the demand recorded over the last couple of years. However, it is also worth noting that producing for the free market, that is to say, outside of programs or without a contract, is not a viable alternative to obtain good yields from this crop," says Ángel Castillo.
"At Nevado e Hijos we grow 100 hectares of carrots and we work with the largest supermarket chain in Spain. We have started harvesting 20 hectares and in a weekend alone we have already delivered 40 trucks of carrots. Together with the production from the 400 hectares of new potatoes we grow in Seville, we market a total of 25 million kilos, all under the security of a contract," he says.
For more information:
Nevado e Hijos S.L.
Pol. Industrial El Puntal Nº 3-4 41140 Isla Mayor, Seville. Spain
Tel.: +34 955 773 997