"I've been working in the apple industry since 2013, and I'm very happy with my new role. I like the project because it is a work in progress and because of the concept behind it, that is, to offer a product (three, to be exact) that meets consumer's tastes under a brand that guarantees consistent quality. This new chapter represents a significant development for me, but the project's foundations are firmly established, and its potential is well understood. Collaborating with Marco Rivoira and Gerhard Dichgans, whom I have known for years within the industry, is both inspiring and enriching. The compact and creative team approach has been instrumental in getting the project off the ground, and I am eager to collaborate with all those who have contributed to its conceptualization and development," says Giulia Montanaro, General Manager of the Samboa Network, during her inaugural visit to Fruit Logistica 2025.
Giulia Montanaro, general manager of the Samboa Network
"The company is currently focused on two key areas of growth," says the manager. "These areas include the identification of new potential partners in Europe and beyond, and the development of a comprehensive network to support the marketing and communication initiatives of the affiliated partners. While these partners will maintain autonomy in sales operations within target countries, the network will play a crucial role in facilitating coordinated efforts and enhancing the company's overall marketing and promotional effectiveness. The network facilitates the exchange of data and information among partners, with a primary focus on managing and coordinating marketing and communication activities. These activities will be supported by an increasing budget, proportional to the growth observed in production volumes."
Gerard Dichgans (Global Project Manager), Giulia Montanaro (General Manager of the Network), and Marco Rivoira (Managing Director Rivoira Group)
"The supersweet segment is of particular interest to market trends, and Samboa aligns seamlessly with this category. Presently, given the limited quantities currently available, sales are primarily concentrated in Italy and Spain, although tests have been conducted in Asia, where Samboa's attributes of super sweetness and an impressive shelf life have garnered a highly favorable response."
"The three apple varieties — Luiza, Venice, and Isadora — are harvested at three different times to respect their natural shelf life, ensuring that consumers receive fruit with consistent taste characteristics. Specifically, these include sweetness, crunchiness, and juiciness," explains Montanaro. For 2025, the projected volumes are approximately 7,000 tons, encompassing 300 active hectares and an additional 200 hectares scheduled for planting in the near future, bringing the total in Italy to 500 hectares under the Rivoira and Clementi Groups. At Fruit Logistica, we also had the privilege of introducing our three new partners from Chile."
New Chilean partners presented in Berlin
Marco Rivoira, Managing Director of the Italian Rivoira Group, formally introduced the three new Chilean partners that have joined the Samboa project on the occasion of Fruit Logistica: Frusan, Unifrutti Chile, and Magna. Each of the Chilean licensees has signed a contract for 150 hectares to be planted in the coming years in the Valle Central with the three apple varieties Luiza, Venice, and Isadora.
Rivoira commented on the significance of this milestone, stating, "After a period of careful preparation, including the introduction of planting material in Chile and the acquisition of the RVP certification, we are now poised to initiate the first commercial plantings in 2025, with a phased expansion over the subsequent years. In early February, the fruits of the experimental trees of the early maturing Luiza variety have begun to intensify in color, and they will be ready for harvest in approximately two weeks."
The three Chilean companies were represented by Orieta Ramírez, General Manager of Frusan; Cristián Matte, Commercial Director of Unifrutti Chile; and Miguel Vial, General Manager of Magna. They explained the reasons for participating in this global project.
Vial highlights the challenges faced by Chile in recent years, including "extensive land clearance and diminished quality resulting from warmer conditions in the conventional southern growing regions, prompting many growers to migrate further south in pursuit of cooler climates. The introduction of these three specialized varieties, selected to address these challenges, presents a new opportunity for the company's traditional growing areas in the Central Valley." Founded in 1924, Magna is a family business based in Chile that operates on 1,800 hectares and focuses on the production of apples, pears, and cherries, with a turnover of USD 70 million. Orieta Ramírez further added, "We were surprised by the performance of these three varieties in Italy, where Rivoira already has several hundred hectares planted.
"We are currently monitoring the performance of early Luiza in our most heat-affected regions around San Fernando and Curicó, and this has reinforced our decision to participate in the project. "Frusan was founded in 1979 and operates in Chile (where it owns 8,000 hectares) and Peru (where it owns 1,000 hectares). It is the leading exporter of apples from Chile. It exports more than 14 million boxes, equivalent to 141,000 tons of fruit, and generates an annual revenue of USD 300 million."
Cristián Matte is confident about the company's global strategy: "We hope that these 'three sisters' will give new life to the apple category, covering the supersweet segment, which is the one that appeals most to consumers worldwide, with a special focus on our Asian customers." Unifrutti Chile was founded in 1980 and is a member of the Unifrutti Group, based in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). The company operates over 6,000 hectares of land in Chile, specializing in the production of apples, table grapes, cherries, and pears. Unifrutti Chile's total fruit sales volume is 150,000 tons, with a turnover of USD 220 million.
For more information: www.samboa.it