Mandarins were primarily from Spain. Imports from Israel and Turkey followed in terms of importance. In addition, Moroccan and Italian offers were available at the shops. The presence of clementines had apparently been further limited: according to the BLE, Spanish loads dominated this sector, with a few Italian loads supplementing it. In Frankfurt, there was also Portuguese Leanri, which sold for 20 EUR per 11 kg crate.
Current market shares for mandarins (l) and clementines
In some markets, a certain customer saturation could not be denied: demand had noticeably slowed, as is quite usual at this time of the season. However, the quality of the products was still generally convincing. Retailers rarely had reason to modify their previous demands. Apart from a few minor fluctuations, prices remained largely at the same level as the previous week. In general, it can be said that Spanish mandarins are in some cases 20 to 30% pricier than in previous years due to the bad weather around Valencia.
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Domestic loads continued to form the basis of the assortment. Overall, customers had access to a wide range of products. Availability was sufficient to meet demand.
Italian Abate Fetel and Santa Maria dominated, ahead of Turkish Santa Maria and Dutch Xenia. Although the supply was continuously restricted, it was sufficient to satisfy the calm demand.
Table grapes
The range consisted of imports from South Africa, Peru, and Namibia. Interest was not particularly strong and could usually be satisfied without difficulty. The quotations often tended downwards.
As in previous weeks, deliveries from Spain dominated. In addition to Navelina, Navel, Lane Late and Navelate were available. Salustiana of the same origin gained some market share.
In addition to the Spanish Primofiori, which were available in some places almost exclusively, Turkish Enterdonato was mainly available. Traders rarely had reason to modify their previous demands.
As a rule, the supply harmonized with the possibilities for placing them. Interest was quite favorable. Nevertheless, the quotations tended to fall rather than rise.
Italian and Spanish supplies formed the basis of the assortment. Availability had generally increased a little. Interest was not particularly strong; the high valuations prompted customers to buy only what was absolutely necessary.
Iceberg lettuce was available in a monopoly-like fashion, as in the previous week. Availability had not changed significantly and was sufficient to meet demand. The quotations developed unevenly.
Spanish supplies dominated among cucumbers. Their presence, like that of Dutch and Belgian offers, had decreased somewhat.
Availability increased and a wide range of products was typically available. In general, the quality of the products was good, with only a few isolated exceptions.
Sweet peppers
As is usual at this time of year, Spanish deliveries dominated. Turkish deliveries supplemented this, while Moroccan deliveries only arrived in Berlin and Cologne.
Source: BLE