Vine tomatoes came primarily from Spain and the Netherlands to Germany, and cherry tomatoes mainly from Italy and Spain. When it came to round tomatoes, Turkish and Moroccan fruits were particularly accessible. According to the BLE, the availability of beef tomatoes was mainly limited to Belgian and Spanish products. Overall, availability had increased slightly. Nevertheless, the supply was sometimes a little tight; in particular, the presence of Moroccan and Turkish loads was limited. Nonetheless, demand could be met without any problems. The quality of the loads was generally convincing. Due to the mostly continuous sales, traders were able to raise their previous demands: vine and beef tomatoes often became pricier and the prices of round tomatoes also rose frequently. Only cherry tomatoes mostly saw a decline in prices.
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German products dominated the market, with Italian and French products complementing it. Only a few shipments from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Poland played only a minor role. Although supply was limited, it was largely sufficient to satisfy demand.
Although South African imports gained in importance, they were not consistently convincing in terms of size and quality. As a result, they did not sell quickly. Italian Abate Fetel and Santa Maria, Turkish Deveci and Santa Maria, and Dutch Xenia and Conference formed the basis of the supply.
Table grapes
Deliveries from Peru and Namibia flanked the dominant South African fruit. In Hamburg, there were also Indian Thompson Seedless. Overall, the supply was apparently limited. In particular, deliveries from Namibia had noticeably decreased.
Spanish oranges continued to dominate. Egyptian Valencia Late and Salustiana followed in terms of importance. Navel varieties in particular arrived from Turkey, Morocco, and Greece. However, the spring-like weather combined with higher temperatures noticeably limited the storage options.
Mandarins and clementines
The season was slowly entering its home straight. In addition to limited supplies, there was no denying a weakening of quality and a certain customer saturation. In addition to Spanish mandarins, Israeli mandarins were mainly available.
Spanish Primofiori clearly dominated the market. Turkish offers followed in terms of importance. Imports from Italy, Egypt, and Greece rounded off the range of produce on offer. The supply was sufficiently in line with demand.
The higher temperatures had a mixed effect: on the one hand, they limited the possibilities for storage, but on the other, they improved them. The prices developed accordingly.
Italian deliveries dominated, with Spanish and French deliveries complementing the scene. In addition, there were still a few Belgian offers, costing €10.50 per 6-pack assortment. In Frankfurt, Spanish, and Italian loads initially fell in price before prices rose again towards the weekend.
Iceberg lettuce was exclusively supplied from Spain. Prices varied widely, as the quality was not entirely convincing. Colorful lettuce came from France and Italy. The previous high prices often remained. In some cases, they rose again due to limited supplies.
Spanish cucumbers were still predominant, but their presence was slightly limited. Dutch and Belgian deliveries followed in terms of importance. Greek and German offers did not go beyond a supplementary character. Demand was quite favorable; in some places it even exceeded availability.
Sweet peppers
Spanish imports dominated, Turkish imports were supplemented, and Moroccan imports rounded off the range. The month of fasting, Ramadan, inevitably had an impact on developments: on the one hand, fewer goods arrived from Turkey and Morocco, and on the other hand, customers were very happy to purchase the Turkish and Moroccan offers.
Source: BLE