In a press release issued on March 18th, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Export Promotion announced that it had taken measures against 53 banana importers. These measures come against a backdrop of scarcity and soaring banana prices in Algeria. From less than 400 dinars (2.98 USD) per kilo before Ramadan, prices rose to more than 800 dinars (5.97 USD) in a fortnight.
"Following the recent fluctuations in the banana market, the multi-sector committee responsible for allocating import quotas had to meet," according to the press release. "The conclusions of the committee's work led to the drawing up of a list of 53 importers who had clearly and explicitly failed to honor their import commitments to the Algerian state. This behavior has disrupted supplies to the national market and had a direct impact on people's purchasing power, as well as on the stability and balance of the national market."
Photo: © Vitaserendipity |