A transition period is just ahead for the asparagus supply from Mexico. "Industry supply is beginning to decrease from the Caborca Mexico region," says Cruz Carrera, director of sales, asparagus division for Five Crowns Marketing, adding that Caborca is the main growing region currently for asparagus in Mexico and has seen ideal harvest conditions. "This growing area begins in late January and ends around the middle of April. Then, we transition to other growing regions in Mexico. In addition, the local programs, such as Washington and Idaho, will begin harvest towards the latter part of April."
While the timing of the asparagus harvest in Caborca was similar to last year, the volume is down compared to a year ago thanks to a number of factors such as the weather, field conditions, overall acreage, and age of fields.
© Five Crowns Marketing
Peru also producing
Aside from Mexico, Peru is also in light production of asparagus.
As for the demand for asparagus, industry demand has been steady. "With asparagus production beginning to decline, general pricing has gained strength. We expect it to continue heading into April," says Carrera.
Looking a bit further ahead, the Easter holiday, a high asparagus consumption event, falls late this year on April 20. "As an industry, we are anticipating a strong lift in demand," says Carrera.
For more information:
Cruz Carrera
Five Crowns
Tel: +1 (213) 732-1300