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Reko market concept gains traction in Australia

In Australia, the Reko market concept, originating from Finland, is facilitating direct transactions between consumers and farmers. This model, which has been adopted in Queensland with five markets operational, enables producers to list available products on social media platforms, where consumers can place orders and later collect them from designated night-time marketplaces. This system ensures that the financial exchange occurs exclusively between the consumer and the producer, simplifying the process and emphasizing the importance of conscious consumption.

Producers participating in the Reko markets highlight the benefits of this model, including the ability to provide fresh, quality products directly to consumers. For example, at the Yeppoon market, consumers have the convenience of collecting orders without leaving their vehicle.

This approach not only supports local agriculture but also aligns with the preferences of consumers seeking to understand the origin and production methods of their food. The Queensland parliamentary inquiry into supermarkets reflects a broader investigation into the food supply chain, amidst which the Reko markets offer an alternative shopping experience characterized by safety, transparency, and community engagement.


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