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Andalusia expects the almond harvest to increase by more than 25% this season

The Andalusian Regional Board for Nuts, formed by ASAJA and COAG, AEOFRUSE and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de AndalucĂ­a, expects the 2024 almond harvest to increase by 25.49% compared to the previous season and reach a total of 41,582 tons, up from last year's 33,135 tons. It is important to note that there are an additional 7,133 productive hectares this season, 4,440 of which are irrigated; a factor that has been taken into account for the harvest forecast.

The drought situation is said to have greatly improved with the Easter rains, especially in Western Andalusia, where there have been intense and frequent rainfall. This is not the case in Eastern Andalusia, where the rainfall has not been sufficient, and in many areas, trees are shedding part of the harvest.

Estimates by province
The province of Almeria has received the least rainfall, but overall, the harvest is up by 10% compared to last year, though with the added area, the differential stands at +13.68%. Forecast: 4,500 tons (previous 3,962 tons).

Cadiz has about a 10% higher yield than last year, but the increased area raises the harvest increase to 10.76%. Forecast: 885 tons (previous 799 tons).

The situation in Cordoba is more promising, with a 52.63% higher harvest estimate, taking into account that the productive area has grown by 3,120 hectares, 2,130 of which are irrigated. Forecast: 8,700 tons (previous 5,700 tons).

In Granada, an increase of 7.84% in the harvest is estimated, and the productive area has also expanded. Forecast: 11,000 tons (previous 10,200 tons).

Huelva has recorded a decrease of 0.94% as the irrigated area has been reduced (-156 ha), resulting in a forecast slightly below that of the previous season, although the trees are delivering a 10% higher yield than last year. Forecast: 1,267 tons (previous 1,339 tons).

In Jaen, a 15% increase in the harvest is expected, but there has been a significant increase in the irrigated productive area (307 hectares), so the harvest is 38.11% greater than last year. Forecast: 1,330 tons (previous 963 tons).

Malaga expects the harvest to be 15-20% greater, though it is also under threat by insufficient rainfall; a situation very similar to that of Almeria and Granada. Taking the expansion of the irrigated area into account, the final increase is estimated at 19.45%. Forecast: 1,400 tons (previous 1,172 tons).

Lastly, in Seville, the harvest has grown by about 15%, but there has also been a significant increase in the production area, with 1,833 new hectares, 1,571 of which are irrigated, which brings the increase in the harvest over the previous season to 38.89%. Forecast: 12,500 tons (previous 9,000 tons).

For more information:
COAG AndalucĂ­a
[email protected]

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