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"A new season of fresh pears has begun, and weather conditions have affected the progress of picking.”

A new season of fresh pears has begun, and weather conditions have affected the progress of picking. The recent heavy rainfall in Hebei has delayed the harvest, and the quality of Huangguan pears has been significantly impacted, with some developing issues such as Pear Brown Spot disease.

Preservation directly affects the profitability of fresh pears. SPM Biosciences (Beijing), a professional preservation service company, offers the "Angel Fresh" product for fresh pear storage and transportation preservation. Debby from the company explained in an interview with Freshplaza that 1-MCP, a key component of "Angel Fresh," is widely used for cold storage and transportation in major production areas globally. It extends storage time, prevents water loss, maintains hardness, and ensures better taste, even with shipping delays, providing customers with fresher pears and a longer shelf life. The product is effective when used with other preservation technologies like low temperature and controlled atmosphere.

Additionally, some retailers are now using preservative products to extend the shelf life of fresh pears in the supply chain. "Many importers and exporters have shown interest in our Angel Fresh sachet. It is simple and convenient to use; just place it in the package," said Debby. "We also offer customized preservation solutions based on different packaging and applications."

SPM Biosciences specializes in post-harvest preservation services for fruits and vegetables, with nearly ten years of experience in the Chinese market. They have their own R&D, analysis, and service team, and have obtained sales qualifications in Argentina and the Dominican Republic. They are currently seeking sales agents in other regions. "Besides our existing products, we aim to collaborate with more vegetable wholesalers, exporters, packagers, and agents to reduce vegetable loss in the supply chain. We also provide customers with free samples for testing," added Debby.

For more information:
Debby Wang
SPM Biosciences (Beijing) Inc.
Tel.: +86 13141463919