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'Potato, onion and carrot harvest temporarily suspended throughout Austria'

The domestic table potato market is going from one extreme to the other. While high daytime temperatures and parched soils have made harvesting work more difficult in recent weeks, agriculture is now struggling with record rainfall and flooding in many places. In eastern Austria, it has rained more than 200 litres/m² over the past few days. In St. Pölten and the Tullnerfeld even 350 litres/m² and more. Grubbing operations had to be cancelled nationwide. In eastern Austria, it is unlikely that it will be possible to resume this work any time soon, with around a third of the potato fields still to be harvested. In western Austria, two thirds of the ware potatoes are still in the fields.

The damage caused by the floods cannot yet be quantified. However, stocks are currently sufficient to meet domestic demand without any problems. Sales in the food retail sector have picked up somewhat with the cooler temperatures. There was no change in producer prices. In Lower Austria and Upper Austria, prices for medium-flavoured table potatoes have recently been mostly around 30 euros/100 kg, with deductions for storage or higher oversize content.

Onion harvest interrupted
The Austrian onion harvest had to be cancelled nationwide in the previous week. After record-breaking rainfall, the fields are not passable. More than a third of the summer onion area has not yet been harvested. Possible crop failures and quality impairments cannot yet be estimated. At the moment, existing stocks are sufficient for the usual seasonal demand situation. Domestic sales are steady, and export enquiries are also increasing. There has been no change in producer prices compared to the previous week. At the beginning of the week, prices for medium onions, cleaned and graded in crates, were mostly between 20 and 23 EUR/100 kg, depending on quality. Significantly less is being paid for small-falling lots and more for large-falling goods.

Carrot harvest completely cancelled
The Lower Austrian carrot harvest literally drowned over the past few days. After record-breaking rainfall, harvesting work had to be cancelled completely. The available stocks are currently sufficient to cover domestic demand. It is unclear when harvesting work can be resumed. There was no change in prices compared to the previous week. For example, prices for carrots in 5kg bags, ex ramp depending on quality, are still mostly between 55 and 65 EUR/100 kg.

Source: LKÖ

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