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UNPT calls for the launch of a national anti-mildew plan

UNPT denounces the withdrawal of metribuzin

In a press release, the French Union of Potato Producers (UNPT) denounces the withdrawal of metribuzin as "a new attack on the potato sector."

UNPT condemns the decision taken in early October by the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Foodstuffs and Animal Feed (CPVADAAA or SCOPAFF) at the European level to withdraw metribuzin, an "essential" herbicide (at very low doses and in mixtures) in the range of potato weed control products. The substance has been banned at the European level, with the withdrawal of marketing authorizations within 6 months and a possible grace period of up to 12 months per member state. This decision quite simply jeopardizes the future of potato production in France and in Europe."

"A cascade of bans: enough is enough!"
This withdrawal is not an isolated case. It is part of a worrying trend towards the abandonment of potato crop protection tools. After the sudden withdrawal in recent months of metiram and dimethomorph fungicides at the European level and in France (with no grace period for France), it is now the turn of metribuzin to be condemned despite repeated calls (since 2023) from UNPT to guarantee the substance's continued use. These decisions illustrate the dangerous and cascading narrowing of the means of combating weeds and fungal diseases, at a time when new resistances are appearing all over Europe. By refusing to renew these crucial substances (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides), the European Union is pushing the sector towards deadlock and decline.

A threat to France's food sovereignty
"UNPT refuses to see the potato sector doomed by political and administrative decisions that are out of touch with the realities in the field. Our producers, already under a lot of pressure, are seeing their ability to protect their potato crops further reduced. It is time for the French government to shoulder its responsibilities and really defend our food sovereignty at the European level! We are calling on France to adopt a defensive and pragmatic stance on these essential pest control substances, in order to guarantee a protection panel that breaks down plant and fungal resistance while maintaining a viable socio-economic status quo for farmers. The drift towards the 'precautionary principle', with no alternative solutions, must stop immediately, or the fate of potato production in France and Europe will be sealed.

UNPT jointly reiterates its request for the launch of a national anti-mildew plan
Against this backdrop, UNPT is jointly reiterating the need for public authorities to launch an ambitious national and European plan to combat potato late blight, with viable means and alternative solutions, as well as maintaining all current active substances within this timeframe. As a reminder, an uncontrolled attack of late blight means 100% crop loss. It is therefore time for a change in national strategy. Producers need visibility and stability in their range of control tools!"

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