In Karnataka, banana farmers are experiencing crop damage due to this winter's extreme cold, with more than 25% of early-stage crops affected as temperatures fall below 12 degrees Celsius. This situation is also seen in Maharashtra, with Karnataka being the third-largest banana producer in India, following Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The state, cultivating bananas over 108,000 hectares, reported production of 2,973,000 metric tonnes in 2023-24. Varieties such as Cavendish and Yalakki are primarily grown in regions like Chikkamagaluru and Mysuru. However, the severe cold has led to discoloration and quality issues, impacting exports and local market prices.
Officials and farmers report significant crop damage and financial losses, highlighting the need for micronutrient use to combat cold susceptibility, especially in zinc- and boron-deficient soils. The price for Cavendish bananas has notably dropped from around $22.50 to $13.75 per quintal in four months. The decline in quality and demand has affected farmers' incomes, with some areas like Andhra Pradesh less impacted due to soil conditions that mitigate cold effects. The farming community has called for government support in pricing and crop protection guidance, amidst observations that winter commonly impacts banana crops due to nutrient deficiencies and lowered demand.
Source: Deccan Herald