The Republic of South Africa's Minister of Agriculture John Steenhuisen announced that the country has regained market access for exportation of fresh apples from South Africa to the Kingdom of Thailand. This market has been closed for about 16 years (from January 2008 to December 2024) due to changes in requirements by the trading partner.
© Edith Layland | Dreamstime
"Apples are one of the most important deciduous fruits grown in South Africa, taking into consideration its foreign exchange earnings and employment creation. The South African apple industry is export oriented with approximately half of the apples produced being absorbed by the export market," Minister Steenhuisen says. According to Hortgro, South African apple exports have surged by 40% over the past decade, which was largely driven by exports to the Far East and Asia, which currently account for about 35% of all South African apple exports. In 2023 a total of 32 397 workers were employed on farms with 129 590 dependants benefiting. Increase production to meet export demand can lead to more jobs, especially in labour-intensive sectors like fruit and vegetables as well as provide for more opportunities in agro-processing, packaging and logistics," Minister Steenhuisen added.
All fresh apples exported from the Republic of South Africa to the Kingdom of Thailand must meet all agreed upon and applicable phytosanitary requirements. The fruit must also be free from quarantine pests of concern to the Kingdom of Thailand, as listed in the final phytosanitary import conditions for export of fresh apples from South Africa to the Kingdom of Thailand. Commercial orchards, pack houses or export establishments wishing to export apples to the Kingdom of Thailand must be registered and approved by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD). These registered orchards must implement good agricultural practices that include effective integrated pest management and orchard sanitation.
The final phytosanitary import conditions for the export of fresh apples from the Republic of South Africa to the Kingdom of Thailand have been published and can be accessed on the DALRRD website.
For more information:
Elelwani Mugabi
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Tel: +27 012 319 6067