The supply of navel oranges, mandarins, and grapefruit from California looks similar to last year at this time. "The only thing is there are a lot smaller sizes compared to last year–it's about half the size of last season," says Derek Vaughn of Johnston Farms. "There's plenty of availability but the sizing is mostly 72 and smaller."
It's believed that the region's heat wave in July 2024 impacted the growth of the fruit, though the season did start on time.
Right now, on navels, Johnston Farms is shipping its Washington navels for another week. In grapefruit, it's shipping California Red Grapefruit, and in mandarins, Murcott, and Gold Nugget mandarins.
Greater domestic demand
As for demand, domestic demand is busier this year and steady. "Exports are down overall. There's competition from countries like Morocco and Egypt and there are also shipping delays so we're getting more creative domestically with bag programs and alternate labels, different markets, things like that," says Vaughn.
That smaller sizing has impacted pricing and it's less than it was this time last year. "Juice prices this year though have been historically high so it's given everybody a nice bottom number so that if people are under offering, then you can send it to juice," says Vaughn.
Looking ahead, there are approximately six weeks left to the season as Johnston Farms gets into its Autumn Gold and late-season navels.
For more information:
Derek Vaughn
Johnston Farms
Tel: +1 (661) 366-3201