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Sector | Global Focus Soft/Stonefruit

Peach cultivation thrives in Fenghua, China

Nijs and Teun van Zuilen, BerryBrothers:

"Smaller crop of redcurrants results in in-demand market"

Forecasts state Turkish cherry production will be 5% lower

Seckin Yildirim from OR-PA GmbH at the Munich wholesale market:

"Weaker sales characterise this year's summer fruit campaign"


Japan’s fresh cherry production in MY2024/25 estimated to fall to 14,700 tons


Chilean cherry production in MY2024/25 to reach 500,000 tons

Alexandre Cancel, Vergers Cancel:

"We're on track for a strong second half of the plum campaign"

Cecilia Fladung, Greenfood Ibérica:

"The larger size of this year's stone fruit has helped boost our sales in the German market"

Finnish growers add polytunnels

“Demand for Finnish-grown soft fruit is increasing every year”

Sanja Larsson, CEO, Pureberry:

"In Serbia, growing blueberries in pots requires a lot of precision”

Roberto Ballesteros, from Ballberry:

"In the summer demand for our blueberries soars"

Good performance for Tunisian stone fruits this summer

“The blueberry market is very hot, there’s no fruit in Europe”

Agrintesa - Unitec collaboration

There is a new plant in Italy for the processing of flat peaches, pears and nectarines


Three black-skinned plums introduced in South Africa

The special features of Finland's soft fruit business


Batken district's apricot farmers report low prices for premium dried varieties

Tobi Seeobst AG
Tobi Seeobst AG on the Swiss berry season:

"Growing open ground strawberries tends to become more difficult in summer"

French nectarines from eco-responsible orchards return to McDonald's restaurants this summer

"A chance to showcase the work of our producers"

Egypt maintains high fresh strawberry export rates to Malaysia and Singapore

One can source berries in Ukraine at amazingly low prices

The harvesting of peaches and nectarines is in full swing at "Domenico Laghi"

Hand processing for premium apricots

Blueberry farm in Namibia hopes to expand

Grower Benny Herbots:

"Despite decreased cherry volumes, prices are also lower than expected"

Paco Jara, manager of Huerta Campo Jara, member of the Ondine club:

"The prospects for flat nectarines in 2024 are looking very good, with strong sales expected"

Viveros Hernandorena and PSB Producción Vegetal: two decades of collaboration with stone fruit

Antonio Ortega, from the Maitena del Genil cooperative in Granada

"Around 80% of the cherries that arrive are of caliber 28-30, the largest in recent years"

Jurgen De Braekeleer, Reo Veiling:

"Protected cultivation has kept raspberry quality high"

Georgian blueberries make their way to the EU and UK

Maxim De Roeck, Fruitful Berries:

"With enough attention, blackberries certainly have marketing potential"

Richard Uijtdewillegen, Aartsen:

"Ample stone fruit expected this season"

Greenhouse cherry season successfully concluded at Demedts - De Mey

"We hope to be picking the first Belgian apricots next week"

Sjraar Hulsman, Frankort & Koning

"Market is absorbing strawberries well"

Alexandre Cancel, Vergers Cancel

The market responds well to French plums

Luka Maksimovic, abbGrowers Serbia:

"In the coming years, we will gradually scale up cultivation of Sekoya varieties"

FreshPlaza Global Focus on soft fruit and stone fruit