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Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board:

'Season’s first shipments of of Alphonso and Kesar mangoes reach Japan and America'

The Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board has successfully exported the first consignments of mangoes to Japan and America. The mangoes were produced in the state and underwent necessary treatments at the state-of-the-art facilities of the Agricultural Marketing Board to meet the stringent import requirements of these developed countries.

Deepak Shinde, the Executive Director of the Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board, stated that the first mango consignment was sent to Japan on April 8, and another consignment was shipped to America on April 11.

A total of 1.1 tons of Saffron and Baiganpalli mangoes were exported to Japan from the Vapor Heat Treatment Facility at Vashi, Navi Mumbai on April 8. Similarly, on April 11, 6.5 tons of hapus, saffron, and baganpalli mangoes were exported to America from the Mandal’s radiation facility at Vashi.


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