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Sector | Vegetables

Cabbage prices in South Korea surge 70 percent amid heat wave

Vegetable cultivation ensures abundant production in Northern and Eastern Syria

FreshField Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Matthias Bartels from FreshField Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG:

"We are already receiving the first enquiries for our cabbage from Eastern Europe"

Kenya plans strict agricultural policies affecting over three million farmers

The European Parliament rejects allowing imports with banned pesticide residues into the EU

Status of Andalusia's greenhouse crops in mid-September

Over 60 tons of contaminated tomatoes and peppers prevented to enter Russia from China

Carrot prices see a surge in Ukraine

New oven-ready stuffed mushroom line unveiled

'Potato, onion and carrot harvest temporarily suspended throughout Austria'

Luis Ramos, MG Fruit:

"Seasonal contracts for Spanish greenhouse vegetables are significantly higher than last year"

Giuseppe Boscolo Palo from the Ortomercato

Very positive auction prices for Radicchio di Chioggia

Consuming four servings of cruciferous vegetables daily could aid in reducing blood pressure

Jonathan Vandesande, FMB:

"We never expected to see such low, throwaway prices for tomatoes again"

Softer demand for California lettuces

Ghana's vegetable sector faces potential international ban due to illegal mining

Spain loses dominance in the British tomato market

VBT figures week 37

Belgian cucumber price back up, conventional more expensive than organic

Glenn Demeyer, Elite Fresh Trade:

"A vegetable specialist, and a maverick at Asia Fruit Logistica"

AIF - Associazione italiana Fungicoltori

Fresh and processed mushrooms in Italy hit by cultivated mushroom crisis

FFAR grant funds carrot research at UC Davis

Wholesale inflation in India drops to 1.31% in August

Bertrand Sabadie, ElbeFruit GmbH

"We are the 2nd largest importer of snow peas from Peru in continental Europe”

Nigeria's inflation rate declines for second consecutive month in August

Ukraine expands agricultural storage: major projects in Mykolaiv and Vinnytsia

Asparagus crops rejected in Australia due to cosmetic standards

Wilco van den Berg, GroentenFruit Huis:

"Dutch companies sold significantly more tomatoes this year"

Apples early, pumpkins late in Northeast Wisconsin due to summer weather

Javier Nedal, manager of Beyond Field: "This year, we will also start with zucchini and baby eggplant"

"Thanks to our partners in South Africa, we can offer our baby vegetable range all year round"

Cucumber harvest began amid challenging conditions in Antalya

Lion Farms presents an extensive range of organic mushrooms in Florida

Warning of grower exodus in Australia's vegetable industry

Celery farm in Australia fined for underpaying migrant workers

Maxime Gervasoni, Le Tresacois

“A normal year in terms of prices” for grapes

Cost-of-production crisis and poor returns threaten vegetable industry and food security

Ontario sweet corn season continues through late September

$374,732 smuggled vegetables seized in the Philippines

Garlic is known as a flavour enhancer and a popular remedy for colds, along with lemons and ginger in Russian

Russia's garlic market sees 15% surge late winter 2024

A "pioneer of the mushroom industry":

Industry association BDC congratulates Hans Deckers on the company's 50th anniversary

Ghana introduces new tomato varieties through CSIR-CRI

OP Bio Hortus at the "II Forum della Terra" event

The fruit and vegetable season in Sicily is gathering pace

"This summer, we've seen good peaks in the demand for tomatoes from Almeria"

Farmers in Gombe state face economic downturn as tomato prices plummet

Sjan van Gorsel, Reijnpack:

"Chicory supply will remain limited for now"

Kees Heegsma:

"We have been spoiled with the carrot prices in recent years, but this year is different"

James Lonsdale – The SPAR Group Ltd

GlobalG.A.P Changemaker award recognises rural farming project in Limpopo

Joaquín Navarro, Sakata Seed Ibérica:

"The area devoted to butternut squash has increased by 18% in Spain"

José Antonio Baños, president of Ejidomar:

"We are getting a lot of calls asking us to start marketing peppers now"

Mike Glas, Glass Groenten:

"When salaries are deposited, people buy more expensive vegetables"


Japanese man retires at 45 after living on rice and vegetables for 21 years

Nepal's first vegetable export to Qatar with Chinese support

Horticulture New Zealand supports government's pause on freshwater plan


Garlic prices in Ukraine exceed two euros per kilogram

The Netherlands, week 39

Hazera organizes International Open Days 2024

Growing hydroponic specialty peppers in Mexico

November 6, 2024

New event for debating the future of European agriculture to be held

Celebrating 15 years in artisan lettuce

Rain in Mexico tightens field tomato supply

Jeroen De Ridder, Jeroen Pompoen:

"Towards the end of the season, we can expect shortages"

"Irrigation is perhaps the most critical agricultural practice in artichoke cultivation"

Sakata to showcase 14 new varieties at Field Days 2024

Greenhouse grown Roma tomatoes from Central Mexico enter market

Bell pepper pricing to stay higher than normal for near future

Schneider's Gemüseland

"Vegetable products are increasingly evolving from a side dish to a main ingredient"

Peruvian superfoods growers and exporter set sights on Asian expansion

Pachino hosts official philatelic cancellation ceremony

Italy: Postage stamp featuring the PGI Pachino tomato

US horticultural product forecast reaches $41.5 billion in FY 2025

Smart hygiene-optimized production line launches in Northern Germany

Researchers discover new ginger species in India

Vincent Keesenberg – Imifino Exports

Exports offer way out to growers not seeing increased returns locally

Autumn produce hits US grocery stores despite heat

Jordi Roessen and Angèlique van der Meij, AGF-Online:

"All-day supply of German open ground vegetables in Barendrecht"

Jordi van den Bosch, Freeland:

"Limited supply of iceberg lettuce did not yet lead to splashing prices this season"

Avocado, cucumber, and tomato movement from Mexico expected to increase

Emmanuel Schaffner, Verduyn

"We made this investment to get closer to the French consumer"

Fresh-cut celery sticks celebrate back-to-school

Washington pumpkin crop well underway

Chris Poelen, Groentenhof Poelen:

"Demand for pumpkins is shifting more and more towards the smaller sizes"

Warm winter in Queensland leads to vegetable price drop

Shrinking okra acreage in Senegal due to less exports

Artichoke water: the new health trend

Rising labor costs in Michigan farms prompt calls for federal intervention

Vegetable and fruit prices rise in Bengaluru due to Ganesha festival

Red Sea crisis triples investment budget for Rwandan exporter

UK proposes delay in EU fruit and vegetable checks

Uncertain future for New Zealand celery growers

$12m needed annually to save endangered African vegetables

Farmers in Ghana call for post-harvest solutions as tomato season approaches

Japanese food firms opting for domestic vegetables

Ruud den Boer, Oxin Growers:

"High cucumber prices, good pepper prices, but tomatoes still have some catching up to do"

BLE KW 35:

'Belgian and Dutch vine tomatoes dominated the scene'

UK cuts inspection tariff for Kenyan horticulture by half

Sprouts growers FreshGrow and Verdonk invest in sprouts picking machine with optical presorter Butterfly 2.0 from Tumoba

"Latest camera technology makes machine a lot more accurate"

Bangladesh exporters call for reduced cargo fares and more space for fresh produce

Strategies for boosting exports in agriculture in Pakistan

Extreme weather impacts agriculture in Hungary

August rains continue to impact Quebec vegetable crops

Mexico consolidates its position as the world's second-largest exporter of key agricultural products

Georgia imports 7.5 times more vegetables than it exports

Turkey dominates Georgia's tomato imports, accounting for 99%

Bulgarian vegetable growers prefer to export best quality products

30 years of Hermans Suikermaïs

"Approaching chain stores with corn cobs under my arm"

Tight supply keeps green onion pricing strong

Iran's tomato exports hit $177 million in five months

"There will be no tomato overproduction in Morocco next season"

Enza Zaden shares latest developments

"Our gene helps ToBRFV go extinct"

Rising cucumber and potato prices in Ukraine

"If I hadn't found a real solution for the 'Tuta', I would have considered giving up on tomatoes"

The Blumen range

The many colours and flavours of Italian chilli peppers

In the last three campaigns, the price of zucchini paid to producers has fallen by 24%

Markets quite active on field cucumbers

The science of flavor: vegetables in surprising food pairings

Variety: Apirene, average weight 1.5 - 2 kg

Vertically-grown mini greenhouse watermelons are an experiment in the making

Fellini Patrizio

Low availability and growing prices for lettuce, fennel and courgettes

VBT figures week 33 also show rise in other summer greenhouse vegetables

Cucumber price experiences another solid price spike

Wouter Willems, ZON

"Unexpected dip in Dutch clock prices of red peppers"

Marcel van der Pluijm, Feeling Fresh:

"Weather extremes can only increase our role as a gap filler in the North American market"

Unseasonably hot winter impacts vegetable prices in Australia

Vegetable production dynamics in the Northern Territory

Wissam Abdel Samad, CCO of Dava

"Saudi tomatoes have received high prices in the European market"

Wout Otjens, Otjens Sweetcorn:

"With our vacuum maize, we want to provide year-round Dutch product"

Alexandre Picault, Kultive

“We are diversifying our range with giant mushrooms”

Vegetable production and supply stabilization in Shandong, China, after heavy rainfall

Fair Fruit

"Market opportunities in other continents often appear to be more interesting than in Europe"

Couple surprises wedding guests with fresh produce souvenirs

Whole range of organic fresh salads on offer

Kyrgyzstan sees sharp increase in apple and vegetable imports from China in July 2024