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G-teK presents the latest developments for independent systems

Latest introductions when it comes to solar driers

There is increasing curiosity about the drying of produce with small/medium systems that use solar power. This year, G-teK will attend Macfrut (A1 - 168) to present the latest innovations when it comes to natural-effect solar driers. 

"The flexibility and modularity of our driers help obtain high-quality sustainable productions in environments where there is no electricity and to preserve products that would otherwise be lost," explains owner Giovanni Marino, the engineer who developed the system. 

The engineer Giovanni Marino rewarded at Macfrut Innovation Award by Renzo Piraccini a few years ago

Already in 2017, the Italo Base+ drier won the "Macfrut Award" in category V (Sorting and packaging machines and technologies).
Since then, the system was developed further to process small productions of papayas, chili peppers, apples, mangoes, bananas, figs etc.

Dried pineapples and non-destructive NIR analyses with portable instruments

The experience with some recently-rediscovered prestigious fruits such as Pera Signora della Valsinni deserves a mention even though, so far, all fruits have proven suitable to be processed with these systems.

The driers are also used and appreciated in continents including Africa, America, etc. It is also possible to design large drying stations thanks to the system modularity.

System for medicinal herbs in Switzerland 

Macfrut will also be the occasion to present the latest introductions when it comes to energy efficiency and renewable energy applied to agriculture. The company in fact boasts extensive experience as it was among the first to introduce photovoltaic plants in Italy since 1999.

For further information
G-teK srl
Via G.Puccini 10
41012 Carpi – Modena – Italy
+39 059 687214
[email protected] 

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