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Will GlobalG.A.P. IFA certification enable Fyffes to export melons to Europe?

Back in 2021, Fyffes began the transformation of its Honduran and Guatemalan melon businesses with the goal to become GlobalG.A.P. IFA certified and Soleado was certified by GLOBALG.A.P. for their watermelon production. New management was appointed, including the General Manager of Melon Operations Genivaldo Pereira. Under new leadership, a Transformation and culture change program was implemented that involved a change in labor practices, increased focus on the wellbeing of farm workers and conducting risk assessments for all job tasks. Two years later, Fyffes’ melon farm Suragroh in Honduras has received GLOBALG.A.P. IFA certification. “It is a recognition for our efforts to produce safe food while safeguarding our workers’ health and safety, the environment, and the welfare of local communities,” says Sheila McCann-Morrison, Chief Supply Officer with Fyffes.

“I would like to thank all the people at Suragroh and within the global compliance team who have worked very hard to achieve this important distinction,” says Genivaldo Pereira. “Since I joined Fyffes’ melon business, my goal has been to transform the melon farms and packhouses so that we can grow the business.”

Expansion of export markets
Fyffes’ melon expertise is concentrated in Honduras and Guatemala. “We are the largest supplier of winter melons in the USA and North America is our only export market currently,” Ms. McCann-Morrison said. However, GLOBALG.A.P. certification provides the company with the potential to export to Europe. “This certification is valued by our customers all over the world but especially in Europe,” said Pereira. “It has the potential to open up new opportunities in Europe as retailers value it. This would allow us to grow the business, benefiting workers and local communities,” Pereira shared. “The certification is aligned with where we want to be as a company in terms of certifications and leadership of our agricultural operations.”

While there is no specific timeline, Fyffes’ Guatemala farms are also in the process of becoming GLOBALG.A.P. certified.

For more information:
Caoimhe Buckley
Tel: +35 38 76 08 8805
[email protected]