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"Continuous rainfall delays the start of the export season of Yunnan red grapes"

The red grape export season in Binchuan, Yunnan has recently started. Due to the weather this year, the production season has been delayed by more than a week and the export season has been postponed accordingly. It is understood that due to this delay, the current price of red grapes is slightly higher than for the same period in previous years, and the export volume is still small. However, with the gradual increase in production, there is room for future price declines.

Red grapes and Crimson varieties are the most productive in Binchuan
Binchuan Lvzhiyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in local grapes, Wogan mandarins and other fruits. Mr. Zhang Yunxin, from the company, is currently busy harvesting and selling red grapes: "Binchuan red grapes are the earliest to be on the market in the main red grape production areas in Yunnan, and the production season is from June to September. In previous years, late June was the peak of picking, but this year when the red grapes were about to ripen in late May and early June, it rained for more than ten consecutive days. It is very rare in the local area. Grapes tend to soften and go bad when harvested during rainy days, and the cooling caused by continuous rainfall affects the ripeness of the grapes. Therefore, the harvest was postponed. A few days ago, the rain stopped and the sky cleared, the temperature picked up, the grape picking resumed, and a large number of grapes are now on the market," Zhang says.

Binchuan Red Grapes

"Binchuan red grapes have been planted for a long time, and the output and taste are relatively stable. This year's situation is roughly the same as before. Recently, the output and quality have been in place, and the price has dropped compared to earlier. In terms of export, more red grapes are being sold to Southeast Asia.

"Due to the late launch this year, close to the time of Dragon Boat Festival (June 22 this year), the current orchard price is about ¥8-¥12/kg, which is slightly higher than the same period last year, and exporters are in a wait-and-see state. Judging from the prices in previous years, especially after the Dragon Boat Festival, there should be room for prices to drop. According to experience, when the price drops to ¥4-¥8/kg, exports will start in large quantities."

Crimson grapes

Another main variety in Binchuan is Crimson. According to Zhang, the ripeness and quality of Crimson are not yet in place, and the price is relatively high. It is expected that the price will fall next month, and then the export will start.

It is understood that the Binchuan area has little rainfall, no rivers, and little groundwater, and natural water resources are not rich. Due to the lack of rainfall in the past few months, the quality and market price of Binchuan Wogan declined in the later period. In order to support agriculture, the local government had developed a number of water diversion projects in the early years, which alleviated the problem of agricultural water use to a large extent.

Left: Mr. Zhang Yunxin and Xiahei Grape; Right: Shine Muscat

The mainstream varieties of grapes in Binchuan include Red Grape, Crimson, Shine Muscat and Xiahei, and there are many niche varieties. In order to promote Binchuan grapes, the "Binchuan Grape Cultural Tourism Festival" will be held locally during June 25-29, and Lvzhiyuan will participate in it.

Binchuan Lvzhiyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in grapes, Wogan mandarins, pomegranates, walnuts and other products, and has offline and e-commerce sales channels.

More information:
Zhang Yunxin
Binchuan Lvzhiyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86 13629676149
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