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Patrick Flin, Paris Ail

“The French onion market should regain balance in August”

The French onion market finally seems to be recovering after months of shortage in supply. “The last quarter was particularly complicated at the French, European and global level, due to a supply deficit. Today, all European countries are coming into production, gradually rebalancing the market. But the shortage was so significant that this will take some time. Given the positive developments, I believe that the French onion market should recover in the next two weeks.”

Production deficit in Spain
The Spanish products arrived three weeks late, but Spain is the most present origin on the market at the moment. The country has suffered from a production deficit due to the bad weather in May and June. “This lack of volume has led to high prices, around 20% higher than at the same time last year. But prices should return to ‘normal’ levels in August. Regarding quality, after a fragile start due to excessive rainfall, it is now stabilizing, especially for the late seeds.”

France slowly enters production
The French production has arrived with short-day onions. “The French production is slowly entering the market with very early and early onions, but the volumes remain moderate. This is a good thing, given that short-day onions do not keep well.”

Dutch onions will arrive this week
Marketing in the Netherlands will pick up from this week onwards, which should support the supply of European onions and rebalance the market. “We are also fairly confident about the quality of the Dutch onions, since they have benefited from mild weather recently, which is favorable for storage.”

For more information:
Patrick Flin
Paris Ail
26 Avenue de Lorraine
CP 70112
94512 Rungis Cedex, France
Phone: +33 156 702 702
[email protected]

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