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Dole China launches new season Philippine Golden Puyat durian

At the beginning of 2023, the Philippine durian was granted access to the Chinese market.

Dole, a century-old fruit and vegetable brand, was the first Chinese domestic brand to introduce Philippine durians.

In August, after the first arrival of the first fresh durians from the Philippines from the new production season, the fruit is on offer in OLE and other high-end supermarket channels.

Market demand for Dole Golden Puyat durian is surging. Dole brings this distinctive new variety of durian to China's durian lovers all over the country.

The Golden Puyat durian variety originates from Davao, known as "Durian City". Its monsoon tropical rainforest climate provides an excellent growing environment for the Golden Puyat durian

Davao City is located on Mindanao Island in the Southern Philippines. The region's durian production accounts for 80% of the total durian production in the Philippines.

Davao has a monsoon-type tropical rainforest climate, surrounded by mountains, and the climate near the sea is oceanic. The annual precipitation, temperature, humidity, and air pressure fluctuate little, and sunshine is ample. All are beneficial to the development of the durian industry.

'The Durian City' Davao's unique climate is suitable for the growth of durians

Dole China has implemented different production processes to ensure the quality of the fruit that is shipped to China. One of these is that the fruit can only be picked from trees that are over 20 years old.

Unlike other fruit trees that can bear fruit after 2-3 years of planting, durian trees do not begin to bear fruit until they grow for at least 5 years, and they cannot bear fruit until the 8th year.

As the tree ages, the durian fruit will become more intense in flavor, with a more complex and multi-layered aftertaste. For the best flavor, one has to wait until the tree is more than 20 years old, which is an extremely long growth cycle for durian trees.

Compared with other tree ages, durian trees over 20 years old absorb more nutrients from the soil and transport them to the fruit, and the durian fruit they produce tastes mellow and sweeter than other tree ages.

Dole senior fruit controllers select A-grade Puyat durian

Dole Philippine Gold Puyat durian is shipped directly to China

Dole Golden Puyat durian has golden-colored skin and flesh, and its sweetness reaches 30-40 degrees brix after 100% ripening.

The fruit is also rich in taste. At the start, the unique sweetness of durian is mellow and rich, followed by soft and glutinous custard sauce filling the mouth.

In addition, the golden Puyat durian from the Philippines has a small core and a high yield rate.

When Dole's Golden Puyat durian was admitted to China for the first time earlier this year, the Philippine Ambassador to China was present at the market ceremony.

In April 2023, the fruit was given a debut ceremony at the Shanghai Huizhan Market.

Jaime Florcruz, the Philippine ambassador to China, joined by other consulate officials attended the press conference in person.

Together with Runner Yang, General Manager of Dole China, and Dole Chinese senior management, the attendees expressed their positive outlook for Philippine durian in China.

Jaime Florcruz, the Philippine ambassador to China, and Runner Yang, general manager of Dole China, jointly presented Dole Golden Puyat Durian

According to statistics from the Philippine Department of Agriculture, from 2014 to 2021, the export volume of fresh durians from the Philippines has been ranked among the top ten in the world.

The Philippine government has always attached great importance to the development and management of the national durian industry and has formulated a series of policies and measures to ensure the quality and safety of durian.

Dole, a century-old fruit and vegetable brand, continues to cultivate the Chinese market and open up new trends in the field of fruits

Dole China exhibits at Asia Fruit Logistica: Hall 3, Booth 3E12.


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