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Kingfruit - Fruitproject

Strong kiwifruit relations between Europe and Asia

"The next kiwifruit season is looking rather interesting from a commercial point of view, as it will fill the imminent demand that will coincide with a lack of produce," reports Massimo Ceradini from Kingfruit, which is about to attend Asia Fruit Logistica.

With Kingfruit, Ceradini Group was among the first Italian kiwifruit exporters to Asia: 250 containers were shipped from the Verona hub already in 2014-2015. After then, Asian imports diminished due to the increase in local production and the fierce competition of the Greek produce, available at lower prices.

"Now that Fruitproject (still part of Ceradini Group) is celebrating the start of its fifth season in Greece, the group believes it is ready to take back all those clients looking for high-quality kiwifruit boasting brands that are already known on the market and exceptional service."

This year, Fruitproject will open the first part of the new state-of-the-art packaging warehouse in Greece (in Chrysochori, Kavala province), which features a 4,000 sq m processing hall and cold storage units that can hold 3,000 tons, meaning the Greek company can start exporting over 16,000 tons of kiwifruit already this season.

"Ceradini Group already exports to 4 continents (it is not possible to export to Australia at the moment) and, thanks to the growth that is happening especially in Greece with Fruitproject, demand is coming in from new interested importers, which are selected following a careful examination, as the aim is to establish stable relationships of trust."

The group grows green, yellow and red varieties. It will attend Asia Fruit Logistica in Hall 5, stand E59.

For further information:
Ceradini Group
For Italy: [email protected]
For Greece: [email protected]

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