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Mercadona acquires 220,000 tons of Spanish citrus

Mercadona, Spain’s leading supermarket chain, launches the 2023/24 citrus campaign with a purchase forecast of 220,000 tons. This figure represents a 10% increase compared to the previous year (when it acquired 196,000 tons).

At a time of crisis in the agricultural sector, where production declined and the field was abandoned due to lack of profitability, Juan Roig’s company has strengthened its position. It will market citrus fruits from the fields of the Valencian Community, Andalusia, the Murcia region, Catalonia and the Canary Islands.

This way, Mercadona assures that “the commitment to the primary sector is firm, to ensure stable and transparent relationships with its 24.” suppliers National who in turn work with more than 2,800 farmers from all over Spain.”


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