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DP World signs concession with Tanzania Ports Authority to operate Dar es Salaam Port

DP World has signed a 30-year concession agreement with the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) in order to operate and modernise the multi-purpose Dar es Salaam Port, connecting Tanzania and the wider region to global markets.

The concession to operate and modernise the Dar es Salaam Port was awarded to DP World with the primary target of optimising the port’s operations to improve transport and logistics services throughout the country and its hinterland.

DP World will initially invest more than US$250 million to upgrade the port and the overall investment could increase to US$1 billion during the concession period, alongside hinterland logistics projects.

According to DP World, this investment will have a positive impact on Tanzania’s socioeconomic development, in terms of job creation and increased access to products and services.

In particular, the port will connect to the hinterland of sub-Saharan Africa through a network of roads, highways, railways and dedicated freight corridors and ports, supporting the growing demand for logistics solutions across the continent and connecting businesses in the region to global markets.

Moreover, DP World and TPA will work together to allow faster cargo clearing and improved cargo planning, strengthening Dar es Salaam’s critical role as the maritime gateway for green energy metals from the copper belt in Southern-Central Africa.

DP World is also going to make future investments in modernising the port, including potential investments in temperature-controlled storage.

Professor Makame Mbarawa, Tanzania’s Minister of Transport, commented, "The signing of the concession agreement between the Government of Tanzania and DP World is a momentous event indeed, as it marks yet another significant breakthrough in building best-in-class infrastructure in Tanzania under the Public-Private Partnership model."

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