The first cherry packing plant in the Coquimbo region started operating a few days ago and is expected to help improve the logistics processes for the export of this fruit. The plant, owned by Teno Fruit, began its operation with the Santina variety, which will be the first to be shipped to China in this 2023/2024 season. This marks a new milestone, as its shipment is starting in week 43, ahead of the first shipments from central and southern Chile.
During the first day in operation, the plant processed around 500 kilos of the variety, which were to be shipped on October 24 by plane from Santiago, thereby shortening the logistics chain. Before this, producers in the area were forced to send the fruit to the Metropolitan or O'Higgins regions for processing and packing.
The company expects to start working at maximum capacity next week, with 20 to 25 tons per shift, aiming to process between 200 and 300 tons during this season.