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Onion price surge impacts consumption in Oman

In Oman, the sudden surge in onion prices is causing distress among consumers and shopkeepers, with the kitchen staple now considered a luxury for many. Saada Al Mahrouqi, a Muscat homemaker: "Onions are a fundamental ingredient in our cooking, but with prices soaring, we have no choice but to cut back on our consumption."

The spike has been attributed to the halt of onion exports from India, which previously accounted for nearly 45 percent of Oman's onion imports. Prices have risen from 280-300 baisas per kg to 700-800 baisas per kg, peaking at 820 baisas before slightly dropping to 780 baisas per kg. Oman now relies on imports from Pakistan, Turkiye, Egypt, Yemen, and Iran.

This price hike is affecting not only households but also small businesses, especially in the hospitality sector. Stakeholders are calling for measures to stabilize the market and alleviate consumer burden amidst this economic challenge.

[ 1000 baisa = €2.41 ]


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