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Tripartite agreement between French Ministry of Agriculture, CTIFL and Interfel

“A breath of fresh air for Fruit and Vegetable Research and Innovation”

On the 26th of April, at the CTIFL center in Balandran, a tripartite agreement was signed between the French Ministry of Agriculture, Interfel and CTIFL. The aim is to "perpetuate and develop research and innovation in the fruit and vegetable sector:" a "breath of fresh air" for CTIFL.

From left to right: Jacques Rouchaussé, president of CTIFL, Marc Fesneau, French minister of agriculture, Jérôme Bonnet, prefect of Gard and Laurent Grandin, president of Interfel / © CTIFL

"Additional support of 3 million euros in 2024"
"With additional support of up to 3 million euros [3.23 million USD] in 2024 for our work via the PAUPFL and PARSADA plans (1 million euro [1.08 million USD]), CTIFL and INTERFEL (up to 2 million euros [2.15 million USD]), our research activity is growing by almost 10%, and it is set to increase further in 2025-2027. This is a crucial step in the Fruit and Vegetable Sovereignty Plan towards the shared ambition of sustaining and developing research and innovation in the fruit and vegetable sector."

"During this official visit to the Balandran operational center in Occitania, we were able to illustrate our transition approach, which ensures that we provide a continuous and evolving toolbox to the sector, in order to maintain and adapt production capacity. This time, the focus is on cherries and soft fruits, with the ambitious project of managing the Drosophila Suzuki pest in the orchards, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable and efficient farming practices. This is a long-standing initiative, supported by our partners which include FNPF, AOP cherry and INRAE."

Faced with the current challenges hitting all agricultural sectors, the growing power of PARSADA is going to play a crucial role in the emergence of alternative solutions. We still need to step up the pace on other issues such as climate change, decarbonization and water management with a competitive stance.


For more information:
Centre CTIFL de Balandran
751 Chemin de Balandran
30 127 Bellegarde - France
Phone: +33(0)4 66 01 10 54