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Dharwad's alphonso mangoes find new market in the U.S.

In the district of Dharwad, located in north Karnataka, the Alphonso mango, a distinguished variety among its mango groves, has traditionally been a sought-after fruit in Saudi countries. This year, a new demand from America signifies a notable development for the region's Alphonso mangoes, locally known as Aposa. Historically, these mangoes have been primarily distributed within India and exported to Saudi Arabia, but recent interest from American cities presents a fresh opportunity for Dharwad's mango industry.

Last month, a visit by five Americans to Pramod Gaonkar's orchard near Kalikeri village marked a pivotal moment. Impressed by the quality of the mangoes, they placed an order for 5 tons, initiating the export process to America. This journey involves transporting the mangoes to Mumbai for stringent quality checks before they are sent directly to San Francisco and Chicago. Pramod Gaonkar, who manages a 50-acre mango plantation, expressed pride in this achievement, highlighting the international recognition of the quality of Karnataka's mangoes.

The local demand for Aposa mangoes also remains strong, with significant quantities entering the market daily, indicating a prosperous season for Dharwad's mango farmers. This year's crop is notably one of the best in recent years, reflecting positively on the region's agricultural practices and the global appeal of its produce.


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