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Analysts look into impact of May frosts on blueberry and raspberry crops

EastFruit's analysts are diligently evaluating the extent of damage inflicted on fruit and vegetable crops by Ukraine's recent frost events. For an overview of the initial assessment, please refer to the first segment of our report. Notably, since May 9th this year, nocturnal temperatures have plummeted to as low as -8°C.

In the regions of Lviv, Ternopil, and Khmelnytsky, early-season blueberry and raspberry crops have suffered considerably, with some farms experiencing damage affecting 50% to 70% of their yield. The frost damage occurred in patches, sparing certain areas entirely. Recent nighttime temperatures in these locales have reached a critical low of -5°C, posing a significant threat to the viability of berry crops. However, the late-season varieties currently exhibit greater resilience.

Reports from Vinnytsia and Kyiv indicate a near-total loss of the forthcoming early-season blueberry harvest, initially anticipated for collection post the first decade of June. The status of late-season berry varieties remains too early to determine.

The Sumy region has witnessed a devastating loss of the majority of early (summer) raspberry crops due to night temperatures descending to a critical -8°C. Central regions have reported up to 15% damage to early-season blueberry crops.

Meteorologists anticipate continued sub-zero nocturnal temperatures across a vast expanse of Ukraine for several more days. Following this period, a transition to warmer, more conducive weather conditions for plant growth is expected. Nevertheless, the current risk to Ukraine's fruit, berry, and vegetable crops persists.


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