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Import cherries and apricots to Russian regions undergo inspection

In the Chelyabinsk region, the first 40.8 tonnes of fresh cherries from Uzbekistan were received on 13-14 May 2024.

Since the beginning of 2024, Rosselkhoznadzor has already inspected 356 tonnes of kiwi from Iran, 23.2 tonnes of strawberries from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, 16.5 tonnes of apricots from Uzbekistan, 3 tonnes of nectarines, 2.8 tonnes of mangoes, and 0.7 tonnes of dragon's eye from China. All the produce met phytosanitary requirements and was approved for import and sale in the region.

On 15-16 May, over 16 tonnes of apricots from Tajikistan and 29 tonnes from Uzbekistan were imported into Chelyabinsk. If the produce passes all inspections and no quarantine pests are found, all 45 tonnes will be approved for sale.

In the first half of May, inspectors from Rosselkhoznadzor in Sverdlovsk region checked 80 tonnes of watermelons from Iran and 120 tonnes of strawberries from Azerbaijan. No quarantine pests were found. In Yekaterinburg, 160 tonnes of strawberries from Azerbaijan and Turkey, and 280 tonnes of watermelons have already been imported, with Iran being the main supplier of watermelons.

Since the beginning of 2024, Rosselkhoznadzor in Zabaykalsky Krai has inspected 6,700 tonnes of lemons from China, which is 116 times more compared to 58 tonnes in the same period of 2023. In the first 13 days of May 2024, over 1.5 tonnes of lemons were inspected.

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