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Trade revival with Pakistan is a key issue in Amritsar elections

For Amritsar's trading and industrial sectors, the reinstatement of trade with Pakistan via the Attari-Wagah land route is a crucial electoral matter. Stakeholders argue that reinitiating cross-border commerce would extend benefits to farmers, transporters, and laborers. Prior to the suspension of bilateral trade relations in 2019, the annual trade volume between India and Pakistan through this route was approximately Rs 50 bln (€550 mln). The local industry has communicated to representatives from all significant political factions the importance of trade revival for Amritsar's advancement.

Amritsar, among 13 constituencies in Punjab, will participate in the final phase of the seven-phase Lok Sabha elections on June 1. Resuming trade is seen as pivotal for generating employment opportunities at the Integrated Check Post in Amritsar and for the broader economy. Previously, the trade supported around 2,500 porters and facilitated daily business for 500 trucks involved in import and export operations.


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